Google Bard Director Mentions Ethical Challenges in Recent Interview

Once OpenAI and by extension Microsoft began to take the world by storm with the launch of ChatGPT, other tech companies began scrambling to catch up. Google was no different, with the tech juggernaut soon launching its own answer to ChatGPT in the shape of Bard, and its Director of Product Management Yury Pinsky recently gave an interview in which he highlighted some of the goals of the product as well as various ethical challenges that it happens be facing along the way.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the feedback the company has gotten from Bard has been positive by and large, at least according to the person in charge. The integration of Bard into workflows is an especially positive sign because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making it an indispensable part of people’s day to day lives.

The most popular use cases for Bard happen to have something or the other to do with programming, although a high volume of users are also utilizing it for the purposes of breaking down complex topics with all things having been considered and taken into account. Expanding on ideas that are still in rudimentary form within a user’s head also appears to be something that Bard can help out with considerably, which actually makes it somewhat similar to ChatGPT to a great extent.

Pinsky also talked about the manner in which Bard could end up synergizing with Google Search. The company’s primary product has been its search engine for quite some time now, and Bard is supposed to take it to the next level by introducing a new layer of functionality that can provide better responses to user queries.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, Pinsky was quick to point out that these two products are not necessarily supposed to complement each other. Bard is intended to be used as a creativity tool rather than a research tool, with the latter continuing to be the purview of Google Search at least for the time being. This is somewhat dissimilar to ChatGPT, which is used as a research tool just as often as it ends up being utilized for the purposes of boosting creative processes across the board.

ChatGPT's success led Google to introduce Bard. Yury Pinsky talks goals, ethical challenges, positive feedback, and Bard's market distinction.
Photo: DIW - AIgen

One of the most pertinent issues that Pinsky raised was that of ethics, mentioning that Bard is taking certain measures in order to stay within the right kind of ethical framework. The main thing that Bard is focusing on is ensuring that marginalized groups don’t end up getting negatively affected by the responses it is providing, something that has been a prime cause for concern as AI has started to rise so rapidly over the course of the past year.

The way Bard is addressing these issues is by having human moderators who are evaluating responses and making sure they are consistent with the aforementioned ethical framework. The acknowledgement that Bard can make errors is important to consider here, and the product director’s approach seems to be cognizant of that.

Another essential thing that the Google exec addressed was that he wants Bard to stand out in a saturated AI market. As the ecosystem continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how Bard sets itself apart, particularly with so many new entrants coming in each and every day.

H/T: SearchEngineJournal

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