Google’s Head Of Global Policy Confirms The Company’s Edge Over Others In AI Despite Fierce Competition

AI has a lot more to do than just being related to a chatbot, confirmed Google’s President for global policy recently.

Kent Walker was adamant in mentioning how the search engine giant is doing just fine in terms of having the edge over others providing similar AI services to users. But the news was surprising because the company which is known as the king of search continues to battle it out after facing an immense threat of competition from all around.

Walker put down the idea that while OpenAI’s chatbot service dubbed ChatGPT was incredibly popular and a huge threat to Google in terms of snatching its top crown in search, it’s still unmatched by what Google is known for offering. Moreover, we also saw how the company spoke about spending the last 10 years combining AI into a vast array of its products.

Walker mentioned how AI was not just about chatbots and that the concept needed to be removed from people’s minds because Google was busy incorporating AI into so many of its offerings over the past decade.

Hence, he claimed how crucial it was to understand that the world of AI is greater than a chatbot as he attended a mega event in Spain where the firm is said to be launching its largest European center for cybersecurity very soon.

Speaking more during the interview, he also reiterated how AI would really alter the manner through which science arises, reminding how Google users having used Maps, Gmail, and even Translate from its lineup of services had already used AI at its best because it’s incorporated.

So if you feel that only Google Bard is a part of the company’s AI offerings, you might need to rethink that same notion for obvious reasons.

Other big claims were made including how Google was making use of AI in its search in the last 12 years. They hoped to find greater ways to utilize generative AI offerings so it gets expanded in various ways so people can have more tailored search experiences.

Just one year back, the uprising of ChatGPT from tech giant OpenAI turned out to be the biggest news ever after the company rolled out the idea of having generative AI produce content of various kinds after adding a few prompts.

As it is, software giant Microsoft shocked the world after turning out to be OpenAI's biggest investor through projects worth billions. It even started to incorporate that into its own Bing Search, really revolutionizing the tech world with limitless possibilities for the best search.

In such a short period, the technology was being adored by the masses and people started to give out great reviews, serving as increasing competition to search engine giant Google who certainly felt threatened for obvious reasons.

Yet, Walker is downplaying all of that and says that Google is still the front-runner for search and despite new threats arising in the world of AI, it’s nowhere near what the company offers today.

Remember, Google is not just some startup firm. It’s a massive global entity that’s worth trillions, encompassing so many departments and having a long list of stakeholders as well.

Moreover, it has gained more fame after taking the most cautious methodology to adopt the new technology, instead of pushing the limits and merging into the fad.

So as Walker explained, it’s all about adopting a balance of the new and the old and ensuring the right kind of innovation gives rise to search results that are not only useful but accurate at the same time.

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