Elon Musk's X Unveils Anonymous Access in Spaces

This week, X has come up with a cool new feature for Spaces, giving hosts the power to decide if they want non-logged-in and private users to join their chit-chats on the app, as spotted by an app researcher on Threads named Radu Oncescu.

X's Spaces update grants hosts control, introducing 'Allow Incognito' for anonymous participation in discussions.

Now, with this "Allow Incognito" setting, Spaces hosts can be the bosses of their audio discussions. For example – hosts can flick this new switch to say yes or no to anonymous users joining their Spaces chats. Basically, they can lock it down to only logged-in users if that's their desired setting.

This whole anonymous joining vibe is a bit like when X let you hide your verification checkmark back in August. Seems like they get that some folks see it as more of a thumbs-down than a cool thing, totally flipping the script on those blue ticks.

No matter what the world thinks, Elon Musk, the big shot behind X, and his habit of getting into controversies. It makes sense that some of his fans might want to keep a low profile, especially after he rubbed shoulders with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in a Spaces discussion. Sure, it's a chat many would love to listen in on, but not everyone wants to shout from the rooftops that they were there.
Musk even threw in an offer to cover legal fees for anyone caught up in the chaos of X, highlighting the real worries some people have about diving into the app. That's where X's incognito mode comes in handy – it's like slipping on an invisibility cloak for those spicy discussions without attaching your name to it.

Sure, not everyone will be bothered to go undercover in Spaces chats, but having the option is pretty neat. It opens the door for non-logged-in users to join and caters to those who want to be a fly on the wall in heated discussions without the spotlight on them.

This new control feature isn't just a gimmick – it's Spaces hosts waving their digital magic wands, taking charge of how much mystery hangs around in their conversations. Right now, they're testing this feature with a chosen few, promising a different spin to the Spaces experience.

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