Apple Receives New Blow In $14B EU Tax Bill Court Case After Judge Claims Previous Ruling Favoring The Company Was Erroneous

Apple might be in hot waters after a judge claimed the ruling made in its favor regarding the mighty $14B EU court case was incorrect and done in error by the respective tribunal.

One of the advisors for the case said the tribunal made plenty of mistakes along the way which led to the decision being put in the Cupertino firm’s favor. But that decision is now getting recalled and ordered to be put aside.

In 2016, the EC mentioned in detail how the leading iPhone maker was reaping the huge benefits of this particular taxation from Ireland that had arisen over 20 years. The latter had the corporation's taxes reduced to a shocking 0.005% estimated figure of its respective profits gained in 2004. Furthermore, it was delineated how this decision had to do with the company’s Sale International and its Operations Europe division, which are both subsidiaries of the tech giant functioning in Ireland.

Therefore, it was shocking to see the EU court ruling in favor of the company in 2020, claiming that regulators failed to prove how the firm attained any kind of benefits that were not fair. But Judge Giovanni Pitruzella is now ordering that claim to be put on the side and have the case sent for further reconsideration and that spells trouble for Apple.

The judge also mentioned how the General Court in the EU produced some serious legal errors and didn’t accurately assess the consequences of such errors that go against tax rulings. So we are expected to see the EU court come out with a new verdict by next year.

It’s quite obvious how the ruling made by the General Court is crystal clear regarding Apple getting no kind of unfair benefits and didn’t get any form of aid from the State either. And for that reason, they feel it should now be upheld.

Similarly, authorities based in Ireland have also come out to mention that they didn’t offer any kind of favorable treatment in terms of taxation to Apple. Therefore, it’s perplexing to see this new twist in the case arise.

Ireland defended its stance and claims that the right figure of taxes was paid by Apple and no form of assistance from the state was provided to the tech giant, the nation’s finance minister concluded.

The recent case put up against tech giant Apple is one of several that have been brought up against big companies working across Europe. It’s a part of a giant crackdown conducted by the European Union’s head of antitrust behavior. As we speak, the regulator isn’t seeing success with cases it brought up against Amazon or even Starbucks. However, it did vow to step up its scrutiny in terms of any kind of pacts taking place in different countries and companies in the future.

Read next: Apple Agrees To Make $25 Million Payment To Settle Lawsuit Accusing It Of Discriminatory Hiring Practices
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