Apple Agrees To Make $25 Million Payment To Settle Lawsuit Accusing It Of Discriminatory Hiring Practices

Leading iPhone maker Apple is gearing up to make a $25 million settlement after being accused of using discrimination while carrying out its hiring practices.

The figure outlined in the settlement has to do with payments for back pay as well as any form of penalties regarding its civil practices conducted under the Law of Immigration and Nationality. This was confirmed by the Justice Department through a statement published yesterday.

The breakup for the total amount included $6.7 million for all kinds of civil offenses while $18.2 million had to do with back pay to make victims of discrimination eligible, the press release went on to detail.

Tech giant Apple was also called out for not promoting any of its company positions that it wished to complete via its PERM program that works through Federal means. PERM stands for Permanent Labor Certification and it gives organizations based in the US the chance to hire workers who can attain permanent US residency after fufilling a long list of specific requirements.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department has also similarly gone on to argue how Apple ended up following a long list of actions that were curated to favor its currently working workforce having temporary visas and would later seek to attain permanent jobs shortly. Therefore, Apple did not market those positions on its pages working externally.

This means the organization simply failed to get into the hurdles designed for mailed paper apps which would mean some of the people who applied were never even considered to begin with under such federal laws.

For those who might not be aware, PERM jobs are created for hiring purposes of graduates who have attained their degrees from American universities but arise from other countries.

As a result of this unlawful practice during hiring by Apple, it was shocking to see the company take part in recruitment that was less effective and also ended up deterring applicants arising from America from actually sending in their CVs, and as a result, the company got a very less number of mailed applications which would be deemed eligible for the whole PERM job-based positions.

Therefore, what happened in the end is exactly what Apple wanted. They simply filled all of those positions with those working holding temporary American visas as boldly delineated in the settlement taking place between Apple and the American Justice Department.

But Apple contested the accusations coming in its direction as mentioned in the paperwork. The company refuses to be called out and claims it was only following the right kind of regulations in place for the Labor Department. It similarly highlighted how any kind of failures in this matter arose due to errors that couldn’t be controlled and were out of its hands, ruling out that it was involved in discriminatory actions, as per the settlement.

The iPhone maker then spoke proudly about how it has a workforce featuring a whopping 90,000 individuals working in the US while it continues to embark on breakthrough developments and investments taking place around the globe. And through such means, it is involved in creating more job opportunities for millions.

But they also claimed that as soon as they were warned about not following the country’s laws due to unintentional reasons, they immediately stopped and agreed to make the settlement and address these kinds of issues.

The behavior it describes is robust and in complete agreement with the requirements of American government agencies as they carry on hiring more US workers to better the country’s economy.

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