YouTube Is Experimenting With A New Approach To Include Ads On Smart TVs And Apps Linked To Gaming Consoles

Popular video-sharing app YouTube is playing around with the thought of adopting clever ads experience into smart televisions and gaming consoles, using a more innovative strategy than what was seen in the past.

The tech giant says it’s going to include longer advertising breaks but the frequency would be much less, and it refers to that as connected television or CTV.

The company’s main goal seems to be linked to displaying ads that are more aligned with every app where YouTube is seen. Remember, on mobile devices, users were more accustomed to watching videos like Shorts in a more bite-sized manner. Therefore, breaks here were not only shorter in duration but popped up immediately and they made sense.

Now, however, the app is taking insights from CTV to mention how the average American watch time lasts for a good 21 minutes. That’s nearly the amount of time that a sitcom lasts on any broadcasting television.

Moreover, the research further went on to show how 79% of the viewers would like the app to stick ads together at once instead of constantly popping them out after short periods of time. This is truer for videos that are longer, the stats mentioned.

Therefore, the app feels it would limit disruptions along the way, and for that reason, it’s working hard to incorporate fewer ad breaks.

This is quite similar to the approach taken on by the UK television sector in terms of advertising and it’s much more differnet from what the US is applying right now. For instance, users claim they can make a nice cup of coffee when they’re watching their famous show called Coronation Street’s ad break. But can we see the same happening during an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, we’re not quite sure.

Right now, it’s not quite clear how the app is planning to really take things to the next level. No details were provided about how many, how long, or how frequently we can expect the ads to pop up during a slot. Similarly, no details were provided regarding ads in general, when the plan actually comes into play.

Remember, it’s just a test and we’re not sure if things do go in the direction that the app had originally planned and hoped for.

In other news, the platform seems to be working on adopting greater means of transparency in terms of how long the ad breaks would last. This would definitely be welcomed as it gives the user more insights instead of the usual time that remains for every separate spot.

Hence, the thought of just seeing how much longer you’d have to wait is certainly better as you now know the duration left, before ads could be skipped.

For a while now, YouTube has been tweaking its CTV advertising systems. For instance, during the year’s start, we saw it announce that it would include 30-second advertisements that couldn’t be skipped. This was designated for its YouTube ads on television.

So as you can tell, you might be seeing the company carrying out more trials in this regard of how ads are to be presented on various platforms. On the other hand, users can now also be free from the constant struggle of being interrupted by ads, if they opt for the app’s Premium Service. This would obviously be ad-free and for some, that’s a huge dream and a relief.

Read next: YouTube Is Public Testing Its Latest Product For Playing Online Games Called Playables
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