Google News On Android Is Launching A Revamped Following Feed That’s Customized To Users’ Interests

Two months back we heard about Google News working on the launch of a new and exciting feature for Android users. This was related to a customized following feed that provided the latest updates regarding topics that users were interested in.

Today, we’re hearing more on that front and how it would also entail which locations and sources a user happens to be following.

For so long, the app has allowed its users to follow a wide range of topics that are linked to the health, world, and technology domains. Moreover, any publications and cities that users followed were also a part of that same list. Now, all of the interests that users generate regarding a particular direction would be used to fine-tune their following feeds.

In this way, users would be up to date and can now simply see lists of what they were following. More details unveiled included how there would now be Cards on the news feed that has tabs such as Sources, Locations, and Topics. Every one of them would entail leading stories and associated cover photos of when an article that they might be interested in is published. And the pictures feature are even bigger for those with tablets as compared to regular phone devices.

But the app won’t give users the chance to replace the adjustments for card orders. But each of them would provide links that pertain to the main page. And if you really need something urgently, feel free to resort to the Recently Followed tab toward the list’s top. It does wonders at generating quick results when time is short and you are not in the mood for scrolling.

You can even click on the Library tab which was once dubbed Following. The latter is designed to help follow and unfollow any sources. As a whole, we feel this is a fabulous way for users to have their likes displayed and it’s a general overview of their interests on the feed that’s solely designed for them.

We agree that some might not see this as a whole not but the effort that Google is going through to give users exactly what they want in the form of a feed that caters to their needs is definitely worthwhile. Moreover, it adds greater control than what was put out in the past.

The news comes at a time when we saw the app roll out a new redesign for both Android and iOS called Material You. And that even included some optimizations for tablets, alongside the latest widgets for your home screen too.

The latest revamped version of the Following Feed of Google News would be rolled out for Android users globally very soon, the company mentioned today. However, they do hope to expand to iOS devices toward the year’s end. Therefore, we’ll keep you updated on that front, whenever it happens.

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