Alarming Report Claims The Rise In Identity Theft Cases Is Causing More Victims To End Their Lives

There’s nothing worse than being involved in a case related to identity theft. And it’s sad to see the growing figures for this devastating crime taking place at a swift pace online.

Thanks to insights from a new report by the ITRC, the latest stats claim that more victims are thinking about ending their lives, as a consequence of this crime. And that’s because they feel that when the situation can’t be resolved immediately, the only way out is to exit the world and run from their problems.

The annual report says that close to 2 to 4% of victims in the past thought about suicide and then the figure reached 8% which is an alarming rise worth a mention. But wait, the 8% was for the period of the pandemic and if you talk about this year, it’s doubled to 16%! This is close to three times the countrywide average seen for American residents who aren’t homeless.

Moreover, the numbers for scams such as phishing continue to increase and a lot of that has to do with the fact that social media is ruling our lives. And that means it directly contributes to your mental health and wellbeing too, serving as a great source of stress on a daily basis.

Attacks arise in the form of perfected text messages, emails, and even voicemails that are really too good to be true. It’s almost as if a professional came up with it. And that’s right before we saw Generative AI take center stage.

Other stats from the report showed how the majority of those who reported this crime came from the female gender. They were mostly of the age of 45 years and older with yearly salaries being less than $50k. Moreover, a growing figure of those who arose from educated backgrounds even went as far as contacting the ITRC for assistance to report the crime, as compared to others having just a diploma from high school or something less than that.

Those who did end up reporting the crime added how their IDs got stolen on several occasions and that was higher for those that came under the general consumer label.

It’s shocking how the report’s findings also revealed how a huge chunk of individuals were leaving these crimes unresolved while the rest generating reports failed to attain any form of a follow-up too.

This report that gets published each year was also seen taking a new turn when victims were interviewed as it directly asked them what measures were taken for protection by them, right before we saw the crime arose and after it did too. Some victims said that the before report claimed they didn’t do anything or they had no clue on how to go about the matter as enlisted in the protocol by the ITRC.

Some did speak of only making use of antivirus software technology or switching on monitoring services, right after security breaches arose.

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