LinkedIn Is Working On Boosting Its Newsletter Creation Functionality

Popular professional networking platform LinkedIn is working hard to boost its newsletter creation feature.

The news comes as the app looks forward to inviting more members to engage and enroll in the program through signups. Therefore, it added today that it would provide direct links with the audience.

For starters, the platform is launching the latest in editing and publishing through this process, and that would improve the current flow of creating content too. Moreover, the company mentioned in detail how the new and improved editor for articles is created to provide the most seamless experience out there today. And that means focusing more on sharing insights as well as expertise. So if you ever had trouble formatting and selecting the proper layout or including a seamless blend of images with videos and links then you’ve got no reason to break a sweat.

The platform claims so many people have gone about expressing their concerns on this front and how much they struggle with designing newsletters. They call it out as an outdated process that really needed major edits for a smoother workflow.

The company says users can save their work in the form of drafts that could even get second opinions and collect feedback through others, right before the feature goes live. And the with assistance of customization, users can schedule articles for publishing in any community that they feel is going to generate the greatest and best response. Similarly, you can include an SEO title with a description to attain greater reach.

None of the rollouts are new but they appear to be better combined for the creation of the newsletter and that means assistance with customization as well as optimization for all content.

Similarly, the network appears to be the domain of launching several newsletters at any one given point in time. This would help better the user’s presence through the app.

LinkedIn says that any member will have the chance to host close to 5 newsletters in a single place with a wide array of topics. This would better engagement as well as frequency of launching posts on the platform.

This is going to be super relevant for businesses that entail different niches or launch various products that reach out to several markets in the industry. For instance, you might be offering several kinds of newsletters in different regions to have greater reach for each of those.

Last but not least, the platform also includes a new feature called auto-follow that’s designated for subscribers of the newsletter. Hence, in this manner, whenever users subscribe to the newsletter, they are following a regular update on the app too.

Newsletter subscribers aren’t really into seeking updates from members but through such a means, it may assist in generating the right audience and build up on notifications via expanded alerts.

And if you’re already following the newsletter, there’s already some intrigue and interest for posts across the board.

In the past few months, we’ve seen the app’s newsletters get the right amount of growth in the past few months. This comes at a time when users migrate from one app to the next to try and facilitate a growing type of presence on the platform.

Moreover, recent studies also highlight how sharing content that’s more original through the app has risen by 41% over the past year. And let’s not forget how the app continues to seek record-breaking engagement figures.

When we refer to newsletters in particular, the app claims it has assisted close to 365 million users who have attained signup. Meanwhile, figures for newsletter leadership have nearly tripled in the past year and that’s now going above the 1.3 million figure for daily readers.

Read next: LinkedIn Tweaks Its Algorithm And Notifications To Align Better With Users’ Preferences
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