AI Has Already Attained Widespread Usage in These Professions

The use of AI is predicted to become rather commonplace because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up automating processes that needed to be done manually in the past. There are many theories about when AI will replace human beings in various walks of life, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, it turns out that many fields and industries have already turned to AI to get things done.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the field of marketing and communication stands out especially in this regard. According to a recent survey that was conducted by the folks at the Conference Board who partnered with Ragan Communications, 87% of marketers stated that they use AI as a tool to make them more productive than might have been the case otherwise.

85% of communications professionals said the same, which just goes to show that the use of AI is being adopted far faster than many had initially assumed. 40% of the people that responded to this survey primarily use AI to create summaries of their content with all things having been considered and taken into account. As far as professionals working in the field of communication are concerned, 17% of them are using AI to draft press releases.

Another thing that is revealed in this survey is that there is bit of a disparity between junior and senior members of organizations with respect to how frequently they use AI. 46% of junior to mid level marketers use AI to summarize content, whereas just 34% of senior marketers said the same. However, 38% of senior executives are using AI to conduct research, with 23% of junior to mid level employees using it for the same purpose.

This reveals that different employees will have different uses for AI. It will be interesting to see how it shapes the future of these industries, and how this might ripple out to other industries around the world as the years go by.

And when respondents were asked about their biggest concerns about using generative AI, 68 percent marketing pros highlighted lack of accuracy and misinformation as their biggest challenge, while 71 percent communication professionals said the same.

Read next: Recently Developed Technology Identifies Prejudice in Advanced Generative Artificial Intelligence Model
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