Twitter Issues Request To Federal Court For The End Of FTC’s Privacy Settlement

Twitter has requested the Federal Court to intervene and put an end to the FTC’s privacy settlement involving the company.

The tech giant says the FTC’s probe on how the firm stores and makes use of user’s data has really gotten out of hand and now, it wants the world to know that this behavior is not okay as the issue is spiraling out of control.

In 2011, we saw a document come forward that spoke about how the app failed to keep its users as a top priority and how it failed to delineate what it was doing with their information. The order made the firm go through a series of assessments related to its security program over a decade and it also banned the firm from misleading users related to its doubtful security practices.

But Elon Musk says it’s just been too long and now it wants Twitter to be free from this order by the FTC from 2011. The firm added during a recent investigation how it’s all just so biased and very misfitting for the company to go through something of this sort. Hence, it will no longer serve any major purpose and therefore should be removed without further due.

The popular microblogging website put out a new statement about how the FTC is putting out unnecessary demands against it. Twitter has referred to this behavior as one that’s linked to stepping over the line and overreaching.

Before Elon Musk had taken over the firm, we saw it reach a massive $150 million agreement, alongside the FTC, that spoke about how the company did violate orders and didn’t let users know how data that belonged to them was being used for ad targeting purposes.

A few days after we saw Elon Musk take charge of the firm, we saw the regulatory body announce how it was on a mission to keep the same orders in place, despite major names leaving the organization. They issued bold statements about how it was silently watching the organization and keeping track of its daily activities.

The FTC said that no organization was going to be ruling above the law and all firms need to follow consent orders. They even put out revised orders of consent that would give them more means to ensure Twitter was in line with its policies. And if required, they would not hesitate one bit in terms of making use of it.

Read next: Twitter’s Parent Firm X Corp Takes Legal Action Against Four Unknown Entities Over Data Scraping On the App
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