TikTok's Hidden Mute Feature Will Help Users Avoid Blasting Video Sounds When Opening The App

We bet we cannot be the only ones who have been shaken up by the loud sounds that emerge from the first video content when you open your TikTok app.

But wait, TikTok has your back as they have a hidden feature where a user opens up the platform and has the sounds nullified. Hence, it appears like the top social media platform, TikTok really cares about little tiny things that matters for its users.

The company has recently rolled out this feature that would prevent the disturbance one gets when opening the app and being bombarded by disturbing sounds from posts.

Setting this feature up means you’ll be on mute unless and until you opt out of the ordeal. And if you wish to turn it on, simply go to your app’s profile and click on the tab for privacy and settings. Next, press on Playback and then toggle the option for Open and press on Mute.

The next time any user opens the app, you won’t have to worry about being slammed in public places or even getting any bizarre eye rolls across the board. But yes, you can always put up your volume if you’d like to have the volume raised again. How’s that for some great convenience?

We love how this new feature gives room for auto adjustments when the app is opened. And that’s a great option when it’s too high. And yes, in case you’re wondering, it won’t be affecting the device’s volume either. Clearly, we’re loving the new option. What about you?

H/T: Jonah Manzano

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