Federal Court’s New Ruling Says Google Must Face Allegations Of Violating Children’s Privacy

A new ruling by the Federal Court says tech giant Google cannot dodge the allegations brought up against it regarding violations of children’s privacy.

According to recent findings, the Android maker has been accused of tracking down young children to achieve its own gains related to ad tracking. And therefore, it must be held accountable for the behavior or prove its innocence, if that is the stance it holds.

The decision was announced on Thursday when a panel comprising three judges from the Court of Appeals sat down to deliver the final verdict. They mentioned again how Google cannot hide behind the Online Protection Act for Children as that does not claim that lawsuits can’t be made regarding such violations when children are involved.

Hence, the law states clearly that no website operator has the ability to track and collect data of those users who are below the age of 13, until or unless consent is provided by either parents or their guardians. And that would stand true as well as override any laws in the state that are present.

This news of the new verdict came when one citizen from the state of California filed a lawsuit against YouTube and a few other channels in regard to her child. This is where she alleged that her five-year-old was busy watching regular app channels that were designed for young kids. But little did she know that data was being collected without her knowledge and this behavior was obviously not okay or acceptable.

Meanwhile, it did not take long at all for her case to be joined by a few others that included concerned parents that felt this was unjustifiable behavior which they had no knowledge about.

The lawsuit managed to gain plenty of attention and tech giant Google ended up agreeing to pay a whopping $170 million so that allegations could be settled. There was involvement by the Court as well as Attorney General and it was evident that YouTube was at fault for grabbing a hold of data belonging to youngsters below the age of 13.

All of the respective families ended up uniting together and they tracked the data that belonged to kids. They called the behavior out as an intrusion of the worst kind and called it a conduct that was greatly offensive for obvious reasons.

But wait, the drama continued when a new judge threw the case out and stated that all those claims would be overridden. And that’s all thanks to a new law called the Kid’s Online Privacy Protection Law.

As expected, the families were seen sending out appeals. And Google started to counter this by stating how the channels were never directly accused of collecting data in the complaint that was made.

Hence, this is why the panel was requested to reconsider the argument in the year 2022, and another argument was put forward to the appellate court for some reconsiderations. They argued how the panel did not take the words seriously and what its purpose really was.

That’s when the FTC was called to make some more considerations about whether or not the law overrides the complaints made by the respective families who were fighting for their children’s rights.

In the month of May, we saw the FTC come forward and mention that the families had every right to make their claims. And now, the new court ruling is clear proof of how Google will not be allowed to get away with the action and would be liable to face the violations that it made.

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