Apple’s Security Employee Locates Bug On Chrome Which Google Had No Clue About

A shocking new development was recently made by one of Google’s leading security team members.

The company had set out to fix a zero-day across Google Chrome and it’s believed that it was found by one of Apple’s security researcher, as per remarks made in a new bug report.

Sources did speak about how the bug wasn’t exactly something to rave about but the manner in which it had been located and even reported by tech giant Google is somewhat strange.

As per the reports from the member at Google, this type of bug had been located by one of Apple’s members who happened to be busy taking part in the Capture The Flag initiative. The latter is the name reserved for a competition linked to hacking that takes place in March.

It’s interesting how the employee at the leading Cupertino tech firm failed to report the news of the bug. This means it was designated as Zero Day and reported by another person. So Google had no time to create the right patch as it was not even aware of things taking place on its own Chrome browser.

The incident didn’t take long to go viral and we saw the matter get reported by CTF. Soon after that, the story got published and then we witnessed the likes of TechCrunch reporting the matter. A lot of emphasis was put on the fact that this bug wasn’t reported at a quick pace by the Apple worker and what was going through their minds.

It took a good 14 days to figure out the root cause and produce a proper written explanation of the matter. The actual reporting was done at the start of June, the Apple worker explained and he says that he couldn’t just blurt it out until he found another person that was responsible for it.

Nevertheless, we saw how commendable it was going to be for Chrome and how it would be fixing the matter as soon as possible. The report was going to get signed off by several individuals and then the person in charge would go about finding a solution which it did.

Both Google and Apple were not available for comments on the situation but from what we are seeing, this is definitely an eyebrow-raising affair.

Finding zero days during such events is considered to be a norm in today’s time. That’s especially true when you’ve got some high-profile competitions taking place.

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