Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Is Silently Working On DeepMind’s Next-Generation Foundation Model

The world of AI has tech giants racing ahead to get on board with AI planning and strategy and Google is no exception.

But a new report is unraveling some very interesting points including how the firm’s co-founders such as Larry Page and Sergey Brin are actually more involved in planning an effective AI strategy for the firm.

As per reports from Wall Street Journal, Brin is actually paying plenty of visits to the company’s offices located in Mountain View in the state of California recently. And that means working on something that has him going three to four times every week.

Bring is also a leading board member for Alphabet’s second biggest individual shareholder that’s right behind Page. He is working alongside other researchers to try and move ahead in terms of creating Gemini, which is Google DeepMind’s latest model.

We heard in the month of May how the search engine giant’s model called Gemini would start from the ground up and turn into something that’s super efficient and would integrate some of the most beneficial future innovations. These would be useful in combatting the likes of competition that many face from GPT-4. But as we know, it’s a long and challenging road ahead.

The Wall Street Journal says it would be up for grabs by the end of this year but we are waiting for Google to mention this news. Moreover, similar to how the PaLM2 functions, tech giant Google feels it should be found in different sizes and offer all sorts of functionalities as well.

For now, Brin appears to be discussing more about the finer details related to technology and putting out some internal discussions related to the world of AI research. These include the interventions linked to personal issues like the hiring of talented and experienced researchers as well.

He hopes to spend more time at the Charleston East building and that is where so many Artificial Intelligence teams get to sit down. Moreover, we’re also having Sundar Pichai who is the firm’s CEO have his own office design there.

The Google CEO feels this is so exciting to have Brin taking a keen interest and he’s putting out more encouragement regarding contributions as confirmed by one source that is familiar with the matter. So, we’ll just have to wait and watch to see how fast developments pick up the pace.

Photo: REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

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