Protest Causes Thousands Of Reddit’s Online Forums To Shut Down But Company Says 80% Of Communities Are Functional

The dramatic Reddit going dark saga due to drastic API changes continues as we speak. However, the picture may not be as gloomy as some of us have perceived it to be.

The news comes after the company came forward to address the matter and the concerns that people were having related to the issue. Reddit confirmed how most communities continued to operate on per normal basis, despite four days passing since the protest ensued.

Thousands of the firm’s online forums went dark and shut down as developers were not happy about the exuberant fees they’d now have to pay to attain access.

On Thursday, we saw a fresh blog post get unveiled by the firm where it spoke about 80% of the leading subreddits being functional as normal. So yes, they’re open at the moment and users can gain access as per usual to the message boards seen online.

The company added that it was closely monitoring the situation through its Reddark webpage. That’s where a figure of 5000 subreddits had limited access to their posts. And it’s much lower than the 9000 forums that vowed to take on the dark pattern that began last week. Moreover, it was destined to last just a couple of days but by the looks of it, it’s not happening.

This sudden dissent arises from the fact that the decision of Reddit to charge developers for APIs was not welcomed by the majority. And even more, fury ensued when a developer of the Apollo platform from Reddit says a total of $20 million would need to be paid each year for continuous operations through such pricing.

The app said that it would shut down by the end of this month and that’s one day before we’re going to see the new API charges take center stage. But if you think Reddit has any plans to back down, think again.

The firm is defending its stance on the matter and says it needs to charge its top clients that make the most of its technology for the creation of apps to browse the website. Similarly, they use it for data organization too. There were also some concerns that have to do with what the fate of apps that are designed for visually impaired individuals would be. Thankfully, the firm has opted to excuse those from the list.

Another post unveiled by the company came about on Thursday where it said that 98% of the apps owned by third parties wouldn’t be required to pay a single penny with this new fee structure in place. It also mentioned that those that would be paying the fees were going to do so as they were in line with the respective costs in question.

Reddit says that it cannot keep on keeping its communities open and accessible to all for free. So many other top apps and companies were doing this and so it is not fair that it’s being called out for doing the same.

Read next: Reddit’s Blackout Sparks Outcry As It’s Taking A Toll On Users’ Google Searches
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