New Twitter CEO Outlines Immediate Action Plan To Rebuild Business On The Platform

Twitter has a new CEO and she’s not wasting any time after entering into her new leading role in the organization.

It’s safe to say that Linda Yaccarino has her work cut out for her. And that entails giving the company a new image and business model that would help bring it back to where it once stood before Musk took over.

By the way, things are appearing right now, it seems like the plans to switch things up a bit are in full swing but as we all know, it’s going to take a lot of effort. But Linda says she’s not afraid of challenges and that’s her plan right now.

As per news from the Financial Times, she’s been outlining action plans to get Twitter’s business back on track with the help of AI technology, video content, and commerce taking place through in-stream means.

Now, are we surprised at what’s taking place, not exactly? But we can only begin to imagine how the plans would result in a huge shift. And below, we’ve summarised some key points on what was exactly said.

Yaccarino explained how taking on short videos was in trend these days and that’s why she wishes to add such promotions across the app’s main feed for videos. We saw that it first launched last year in October. However, the firm’s CTO opted to market the trend for all by this week.

Many users are definitely shocked and they’re still wondering why it took them nearly 365 days to realize its existence. And if you did not know about how this functions, well, it’s safe to say that the idea needs more work, some more than others.

Videos being highlighted as a new focus by the CEO is smart, especially when you look at other trends apps making it big in the industry like Instagram and beyond for content posting.

Remember, the CEO has major experience in the world of digital video and you can see why she did end up emphasizing more on this subject than others for a while.

On the other hand, we are hearing more about Musk's wishes to become more aligned with TikTok, YouTube, and other top-of-the-line apps whose popularity continues to soar as we speak.

It might not appear to be a huge innovation right now but such concepts would transform videos and become an integral element in this regard.

Next up, there was much talk about taking on board some of the world’s leading celebs and influencers by the CEO pitching its new platform to them. Their role would be to share more content from their lives through this app.

The job won’t be easy as there is tough competition in all directions and with so many others paying big bucks with incentives, the CEO needs to think outside the box for it to work.

Therefore, seeing bans on apps like TikTok in the US would certainly work in Twitter’s favor.

Read next: Study Reveals Surge in Hate Speech on Twitter Coinciding with Elon Musk's Influence
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