Google Is Crossing The Line By Serving Ads For Brands On Fake And Spammy Websites

A new study is lashing out at tech giant Google and how the company seems to be engaging in behavior that goes against its own policies.

The tech giant was recently accused of putting out ads for leading brands across web pages that are operated by spam and serve as the clear definition of being fake.

It’s thanks to a detailed report by Misinformation Monitor that we’ve gotten this news says researchers at Newsguard Technologies detailed more about a massive breakdown involving the issues of today’s advertising market.

It’s amazing how so many ads failed to pass the test which comprised of matching with the target audience in question. They also failed big time in terms of respecting the wishes of brands when it came down to safety.

The report further delineates how top brands from around the world were showcasing support for the expansion of news that’s fake and developed through artificial means and published across such spammy locations. And as you can imagine, this is a major problem and it’s gaining support for sites that are not only poor in quality but also filled with all sorts of misinformation.

It’s interesting how the report by NewsGuard failed to delineate which websites were involved but they did boldly outline how top-of-the-range blue chip firms were involved. And that entails two global market leaders in this realm.

The report does not shy away from putting most of the blame upon Google and it also entails how 90% of the ads published are actually thanks to Google Ads.

There’s a high figure that showcases how tech giant Google ends up dominating the advertising industry and with such a huge market share in its possession, it’s clear that there’s plenty of anti-competitive business taking place.

The websites being displayed fail to showcase any form of real news but it’s interesting because they also fail to attain access to some links and websites through their own means.

The article also shed light on how so many of these web pages were working at the speed of light, churning out articles faster than one could possibly imagine. We’re talking nearly 1200 articles in one particular day. Other reports highlighted 108 posts on any particular day.

And the quality being showcased is not only low but the content is repeated too.

Read next: Allegations Surface: Google Accused of Deceiving Advertisers on Video Ad Placement
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