What’s the Most Important Google Signal for Page Rankings?

Understanding Google’s algorithm is critical because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing you to take your SEO to the next level. However, this algorithm is notorious for being inscrutable, which is why Whitespark just conducted a study asking SEO professionals which factors they felt got more weightage.

Google Business Profiles signals have seen the biggest growth. According to survey respondents, 32% of their success comes from GBP signals with all things having been considered and taken into account. 19% comes from signals that they get on the page that they are managing, 16% of the weightage went towards review signals, and 11% cited link signals.

Furthermore, citation signals and personalization signals were the least beneficial. They received a weightage of just 7% and 6% respectively, which seems to suggest that they provide less value than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that local organic ranking factors can look quite different. If we were to focus primarily on local rankings, on-page signals come to the fore with a 36% weightage being assigned to them. Signals from Google Business Profiles are crucial for local pack ranking, but in spite of the fact that this is the case it was only given 9% weightage here.

Continuing with local organic rankings factors, link signals came in second place with 26% weightage. The rest of the weightage is distributed between various other signals, with none of them coming close to the importance of on page and link signals.

One thing to note here is that the importance of each factor has changed over time. GBP signals were not all that prominent back in 2015, but their usage gradually picked up over the years. While it has fallen somewhat since 2022, it is still a crucial factor that SEO professionals will always need to keep in mind. How these signals change in 2023 could shape the industry for many more decades to come as SEOs contend with the shifting landscape.

Read next: What’s the Best Way to Boost SERP Rankings?
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