What’s the Best Way to Boost SERP Rankings?

Marketers have to focus on a number of different areas in order to improve the overall performance of the sites that they have been tasked with handling. SEO tends to be singular in the level of essentiality it holds, but in spite of the fact that this is the case there are countless ways in which it can be approached. A survey from Semrush has revealed the insights into what marketers prefer in terms of boosting search engine page rankings.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that content continues to reign supreme. The top three chosen tactics in this survey were all content adjust to some degree. At the top of the list, with 55% of marketers selecting it, was creating a larger quantity of content and upping the frequency with which they post said content onto various platforms.

Improving the quality of the content came in at a close second. 53% of marketers said that they wanted to focus a bit more on making their content more valuable, and offering something that is higher in quality is a surefire way to do so with all things having been considered and taken into account.

There is also a bit of a trend in researching content to make it more appealing to a wider range of audiences than might have been the case otherwise. 37% of marketers said that they want to do more research, and these three insights top the rankings in terms of what advertisers are focusing on in 2023 so far.

However, keywords are not exactly falling out of prominence. 36% of marketers said that keywords continue to be a prime focus for them, and 35% said that they want to figure out what search intents they need to tackle to get more eyes on their content. There are several methods that are at the disposal of marketers, and they all need to be used in tandem with one another. No single silver bullet can fix all of the marketing issues that are taking over the industry at the present moment.

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