Popular Online Writing Tool Grammarly All Set To Launch Its Own AI Feature Called GrammarlyGO

The power of Generative AI technology can never be underestimated. But with that does come great fear regarding the unpredictability surrounding writing jobs, among others.

One of the biggest concerns is that writers would be sacked as AI-powered tools would do their jobs in a convenient and cost-effective way. After all, seeing the roaring success of ChatGPT and the new Bing Chat by Microsoft means it’s going to put so many writers out of their line of work.

Today, we’re hearing how the most loved online tool for writing called Grammarly is now joining the AI bandwagon. They’re planning on doing that by launching their own AI feature called GrammarlyGO.

As it is, Grammarly is known for helping writers out by fixing mistakes linked to spelling and grammar, not to mention a great many suggestions linked to using better words.

Now, GrammarlyGO is going to take a leap forward from the usual offerings of Grammarly and give users assistance that’s beyond just correcting simple errors. Instead, they’re going to be generating entire documents depending on the prompts set forward by different users.

Similarly, we’re going to see it respond with email replies and even establish outlines for various articles as well as presentations. Similarly, the user would be allowed to make some great adjustments in the tone, including how formal something sounds through the GrammarlyGO feature.

This new Generative AI endeavor would be a part of the paid subscription for all of Grammarly’s tiers and is all set to launch in the month of April, which is just next month.

And if that was not enough, GrammarlyGO would be a part of the company’s free plan for users seen in places like the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Similarly, European nations such as Germany, Ukraine, and Poland would be included too.

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