Medical And Life Sciences Marketers Shift Priorities to Event and Social Media Promotions in 2022

A recent survey conducted by Scorrmarketing demonstrated that fitness and life sciences marketers are shifting their focus away from email marketing in 2022. Instead, they are prioritizing event marketing and social media promotions to reach their target audience.

The study, which polled over one hundred and twenty-three healthcare and life sciences executives, found that 52% of respondents are planning to boost their event marketing budgets this year. This marks a significant shift from previous years when email marketing was the go-to tactic for reaching healthcare professionals and patients.

The reason for this shift appears to be the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With in-person events and conferences canceled or limited in 2020 and early 2021, marketers have had to find new ways to reach their target audience. As a result, many have turned to virtual events and webinars to engage with healthcare professionals and patients.

In addition to events, social media advertising is also becoming an increasingly popular tactic for healthcare and life sciences marketers. The survey found that 37% of respondents plan to increase their social media advertising budgets in 2022. This is likely because social media platforms provide a more targeted way to reach specific audiences, including healthcare professionals and patients.

Email marketing, on the other hand, appears to be falling out of favor. The survey found that email marketing rated 3.23/5. While on the other hand, webinars, case studies, white papers, and social media rated 3.84, 3.83, 3.74, and 3.63/5 respectively.

While email marketing can still be an effective way to reach healthcare professionals and patients, it may no longer be the most efficient or cost-effective tactic. As more and more people become inundated with emails, it can be difficult for healthcare and life sciences marketers to cut through the noise and get their message heard.

Of course, this doesn't mean that email marketing is dead. Rather, it may simply require a more targeted and strategic approach to be effective. This could involve segmenting email lists based on specific criteria, such as job title or specialty, and tailoring email content to the interests and needs of each segment.

In addition, the investigation also highlights that approximately 72% of organizations use social media promotions through various online platforms. Among these, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter lead to the front.

Overall, the survey results suggest that healthcare and life sciences advertisers are adapting to the changing landscape of the industry and are finding new and innovative ways to reach their target audience. While events and social media advertising may be more expensive than email marketing, they also offer the potential for greater engagement and interaction with healthcare professionals and patients.

As the industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how healthcare and life sciences marketers continue to adapt their strategies and tactics to stay ahead of the curve. Whether it's through virtual events, social media advertising, or other innovative approaches, the key to success will be staying nimble and responsive to the changing needs and preferences of the target audience.

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