SEOs And Web Searchers Have Mixed Feelings on the State of the Internet According to This Poll

While Google’s status as the dominant search engine of the world is hard to dispute, many have been decrying the supposed declining quality of results that they can find on the SERP. Are these complaints unfounded or are they based on an actual quality decrease? One Twitter user sought to find out with a poll, and the results of these polls are really quite interesting with all things having been considered and taken into account.

In a tweet to his followers, Greg Sterling asked if it was Google that was making the internet worse, or if the internet was quite bad in and of itself and Google was doing what it could to deal with it make it better. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that users that responded to this poll seemed somewhat split on the matter at hand.

40.4% of respondents said that Google was to blame, and 41.2% chose the other option by blaming the web and praising Google. It is quite interesting that neither of these responses got a majority of votes, and they instead received a similar proportion which indicates that the problem might be a lot more nuanced than might have been the case otherwise.

18.4% of poll respondents said that they weren’t sure, and that just goes to show that the matter has a lot of moving parts and is therefore hard to pin down a single culprit for. Google for its part will admit that it has a lot of improving to do, but in spite of the fact that this is the case it will still assert that it is doing quite a lot on its end.

The state of the internet is a common source of woe for SEO professionals. Changes are often hard to predict, and any predictions may be subject to sudden headwinds that no one had expected in the past. However, a large proportion of SEOs are clearly blaming Google, and it will be interesting to see where this goes in the future.

Read next: 44% of Survey Respondents Say Link Building is Less Effective Now
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