Instagram has added a new "Manage Interest" feature to its platform

The social media giant Instagram has rolled out a new feature to some users. The latest feature has given users the authority to manage the posts they get to see on their feeds as per their interests.

According to the tweet posted by Pippa Akram, a social media consultant, on November 17, she noticed the feature “Manage Internet” in her account settings just below "Captions." Pippa wrote that she believes the new feature will allow her to manage content, which she usually mutes or snoozes, more accurately.

However, the same post was retweeted by Matt Navarra after he was mentioned by Pippa Akram. Matt, who is also an analyst and app researcher, said that he still didn’t get his hands on the feature, which means that it has not been released globally and could be in the early beta stages where it is allowed to be used by a selected number of users.

In light of the 8-second video clip shared by Pippa for how the Manage Interest section looks, it can be seen that the users will notice several options, including music, sports, pop culture, style, and many more, through which the owner of the profile can specify the content that needs to be controlled by the AI so the users can have a much better experience with the application. It is yet to be tested whether the accuracy of the feature is as good as the options it gives.

Lately, application developers have been taking a lot of initiatives to make Instagram safe for all. After being caught in several cases where the application was accused of not being a safe place, the developers introduced several new features or updated the already existing ones to give more control to the users.

By changing the settings for direct messages so the message request messages will stay hidden and preventing young users from receiving follow requests from people they might not know or have a big age difference with, the application is now letting these users protect themselves from content they don’t want to appear on their profile.

Since no announcement has been made about the global release, it can be expected that Instagram officials might clear things up soon.

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