End to End Encryption Makes a Comeback on Twitter DMs

Encrypting direct and personal messages is something that a lot of messaging and social media platforms have invested in because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up boosting user privacy. In spite of the fact that this is the case, Twitter stopped encrypting its messages after experimenting with it, but it seems like this is one of the many things that Elon Musk is going to change now that he is in control.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the source code for Twitter for Android indicates that end to end encryption may be coming back for Twitter DMs in the near future. That might help make the platform more secure than might have been the case otherwise, which is essential considering Musk’s aggressive approach at decreasing supposed bloatware which ended up reducing many of the security protocols that users needed to continue to use Twitter safely.

Prototypes of the encryption have already been seen, with randomized numbers being generated as keys to the encryption that is being performed. While Twitter is not exactly the most popular messaging platform out there, it is still one of the most important social media sites in the world and that makes end to end encryption quite necessary for the average user.

Elon Musk has been trying to broaden Twitter’s scope by experimenting with payment fulfilment as well as other forms of media including long form video content. This new update suggests that Musk will be placing more emphasis on Twitter as a messaging platform, and it wouldn’t be all that much of a stretch to assume that he would follow the Facebook model by spinning Twitter’s DMs off into their own exclusive app.

There are clearly many more changes on the card for Twitter, and that just goes to show that this social media platform is experiencing a watershed moment. The future is still uncertain, but this might be one of the more popular changes that Musk will have implemented so far.

Read next: Elon Musk’s Acquisition Of Twitter Made The App’s ‘Fake Account’ Issue Worse
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