WhatsApp Wants To Release New Updates Related To Its Groups Section And Here’s What To Expect

Recently, we saw WhatsApp announce its Premium version for users affiliated with business accounts. But now, we’re hearing about another enticing feature related to WhatsApp groups this week.

For both Android and iOS users, the company is planning on adding 1024 participants to its groups that would be available to a few selected beta testers, reports WBI.

This past June, we saw the news regarding a brand new feature that was linked to the addition of up to 512 members to the app’s group section. And even that was considered to be amazing by some. But now, we’re hearing reports of the figure doubling to 1024 and it’s coming out this week!

So that means, if you were interested in creating huge groups, well, the app is giving you the chance to do so!

For now, it’s just a beta test for some but we don’t see why people won’t be able to grab their hands on this feature soon as well. Moreover, you’ll be given the chance to not only add members to an already existing group but also to include a new group with this many members too. So as you can tell, the choice is all yours.

We definitely think the news is going to make a lot of people happy, especially those that have been on the search for such a feature for a long time coming. In case you didn’t know, so many sub-groups of different communities were seen supporting this new limit as well.

You’ll also soon see the app coming up with new tools that provide admins the chance to exert greater control over such huge groups in future situations as well. This includes a list comprising pending participants and a great approval system.

Some lucky beta testers will get the chance to experiment this week and as far as the rest are concerned, well, you’ll have to wait a little while longer until a proper rollout begins.

Next up, we’re hearing more news from WhatsApp regarding another cool feature that they’re working on. This one is related to a functionality called ‘pending participants’ for WhatsApp groups.

Thanks to such a feature, now, group admins on the app will be given the chance to witness who those people are that wish to join the group. At the same time, they’ll be given the chance to approve them, then and there as well.

For now, we know they’re just testing out the feature as a beta for WhatsApp users on Android. And today, we received a confirmation that iOS users would also be benefitting from such an endeavor as well.

The feature will be seen in the group info section and can only be seen by the respective group admins. After all, they’re the only ones with the right to approve members of a group.

Just recently, we also heard the news about the app working on a feature that decides who is responsible for approving new participants. If enabled, all new members will respond to invite links and wait for manual approval from an admin member. Both of these are currently under development so we’ll let you know when a release is scheduled.

Read next: WhatsApp is finally rolling out a much needed feature for its users who shares a lot of documents
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