Pinterest’s Exclusive Collage Maker App ‘Shuffles’ Is Causing A Storm On TikTok

Mood boards created in the form of collage-themed video content are blowing up across the TikTok app. And it’s safe to say that Pinterest is loving the news!

Despite only a soft launch being conducted, the app is going viral and it’s also simultaneously climbing up the top charts on the App Store.

All credit goes to Gen Z users who seem to be loving the news and are adoring the tool that’s designed to create, publish, and even share this form of visual content.

These types of esthetically created collages can be set up with great music and then put on TikTok or shared within your close friends' vicinity.

But it’s an exclusive application and that has to do with it being an invite-only affair. But despite these stringent requirements, it’s doing a great job.

Recent metrics are proof of how the app deserves a special mention, turning into an instant hit on various occasions. There’s even a shout for being number one in terms of the top lifestyle applications for users today.

Remember, not everyone is blessed with the ability to jump 22 rankings overnight!

These stats aren’t solely restricted to one or two places but to several different nations including the likes of Canada, Australia, the US, Ireland, the UK, and New Zealand. Similarly, downloads for the app are breaking records.

Pinterest seems to have found its golden egg and it’s truly a project that is hitting the ball out of the park.

For a while now, we’ve been seeing Pinterest work hard at trying to revamp itself and provide users with something new. There has been more emphasis on video-based content and e-commerce as well. But nothing really worked as well as this.

It’s also interesting to note how Shuffles is also busy using the younger generation as its main target audience. These people are turning to social media apps for purposes other than networking. It’s more related to self-expression.

Users are given the chance to create their own collage with Pinterest’s photo library. Similarly, users can click images of objects they’d like to include too using their camera. Another innovative feature allows users to cut out a few objects from images, and boards on the app, or simply by exploring different pins.

We won’t lie, from the sounds of it, it’s quite similar to the upcoming iOS cutout functionality for images on the latest iOS 16. And it’s one that many are looking forward to as so much fun.

But Shuffles really takes this type of feature to a whole new level by identifying objects automatically and simply clicking add to incorporate inside collages. Users get to customize by resizing or moving to places they’d love to shake up in the collage.

This coupled with exciting effects like various motions is definitely a worthwhile endeavor because your objects will experience movements on the board. Think along the lines of a record player spinning around.

Users will end up saving the product on their devices and then share the message with those that mean most in their circle. Also, users may include hashtags to find searchable options as well.

We love how this application sets the right tone for a great TikTok. It assists in driving Pinterest in the right direction too. For instance, the objects are directly linked to the app with a single click of a button.

Many feel the great demand also has a lot to do with it being exclusive. Yes, you require the right invite code to enter the app and that would only be taken from a current user for the Shuffles application.

The latter has only a limit of 5 invites to share with others so the decision on who to pick is tricky. For now, the app is free and available to iOS users only.

Read next: Pinterest’s New Board Sticker Is Designed To Drive Traffic From Users’ Idea Pins
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