YouTube’s Latest Copyright Transparency Report Tries to Shed Light on Its Systems

In its early days, YouTube was just a fun place for people to upload random videos that they thought were interesting. However, as the platform developed and turned into a hub for content creators, it became necessary for the company to enact some kind of copyright protection system because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up preventing people from violating copyright laws in the content that they upload.

Many content creators often get frustrated by this algorithm due to its tendency to demonetize videos that have even a short clip of music owned by a record label as well as various other minor infractions. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that YouTube is trying to shed some more light on this mysterious system in the latest edition of its biannual Copyright Transparency report.

The first thing that readers would notice is that this report outlines three of the tools that YouTube offers for reporting copyright violations. These three tools are webforms, its proprietary Copyright Match software along with its Content ID system which automates the detection process with all things having been considered and taken into account.

The tool that receives the highest number of claims by far is the automated Content ID system which most content creators would call the bane of their existence due to how trigger happy it can be with the ban hammer. Unlike the other two tools, the Content ID system is managed by a dedicated team on YouTube’s staff, but in spite of the fact that this is the case many false or exaggerated copyright claims manage to slip through the cracks.

Interestingly, the most widely used and precisely managed tool is also the one that is offered to the least people. Only around 9,000 registered partners can avail this tool to make copyright claims and strikes, whereas the Copyright Match tool is accessible by over two million large scale channels. The web form, which is the least regulated and also most poorly enforced tool, is available to billions of users, and the scale of reports that this would generate makes it tough to go through all of them comprehensively.

If a video is given a copyright strike based on a webform report, they will usually be asked to remove the video immediately otherwise they would be penalized. Some cases involve scheduled removal, with posters being given a week to take the video down themselves.

The Copyright Match tool, which is only available to members of the YouTube partner program, was made in collaboration with creators to give them more control over their content. This is useful for creators like Mr. Beast who often find their content getting reuploaded by other channels.

Finally, the Content ID algorithm was created to service major record labels and movie studios, and it is a cause of much grief for creators on the platform. It has made music education videos and other forms of content difficult to create because of the high tendency of such content to get taken down without any kind of warning.
H/T: Neal Mohan.

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