Twitter Provides Its Users With A New Way To View Their Communities Timeline

Whether you love Twitter Communities or not, the company has recently launched a new and unique way to view the timeline option for the functionality.

As more and more skepticism grows regarding the real use of the communities functionality and how it could have the potential to make it big on the app, we’re seeing a series of updates regarding the Communities in general.

Contrary to what people may think or what opinions they hold on the matter, the company says it's moving forward with its project with the help of a new algorithm.

Now, users have the choice to either view the Tweets that are more relevant to them or based on the most recent ones that have been published.

For now, the leading social media giant says it’s carrying out its trial phase for both the iOS, desktop, and Android versions. And if it actually succeeds in enhancing a user’s experience with the Communities functionality, it’s going to get the green signal. Hence, your feedback truly counts in this regard.

Each time the setting has been altered by the user, it will automatically convert into their default. Therefore, you’ll be in charge of what you want to see and when you want to see it.

So, what’s the benefit attached, if any? Well, for starters, it’s going to make it so much easier for users to engage in their specifically selected communities, including some of the most popular ones of the lot.

In case you didn’t know, Twitter’s algorithm hasn’t been too great in terms of its customization. In terms of priority, we’re seeing those tweets dominate that are most engaged with or those that hold the greatest popularity.

It truly makes a lot of sense but we’re still very doubtful that Twitter is interested in displaying content that you’re interested in when taking past activity into consideration.

For instance, we’ll take its Spaces tab as one good example. Only the most popular broadcasts are shown here at any point in time.

But how important is algorithm personalization is a question on our mind? Well, after seeing the massive success of apps like TikTok, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is quintessential if you wish to get the greatest user engagement. Moreover, TikTok has been great at adjusting to its followers’ demands and likes at a fast pace.

And while we agree that Twitter is certainly not even close to that, there’s no harm in trying or bettering your algorithm as it can set you up for success.

But what could the reasons be for Twitter not being able to make the most of its position while benign a leading player in the world of discussions?

For starters, we strongly believe it has to do with the fact that although it is may serve as a hub for trending convos, it just couldn’t find a way to make those chats the focal point for its users. Hence, most top tweets don’t get the recognition or attention they deserve and hence can’t maximize upon engagement too.

Keeping in mind recent evidence, Communities isn’t launching with a bang but the company says it’s happy with the progress so far and hopes to find another alternative to enhance the engagement process.

But we find that could be a real challenge for the firm now, more than ever. Remember, Twitter has also revealed how it’s shifting most of its focus towards the network’s core elements and that means taking a giant leap backward when it comes down to different trials or experiments.

Clearly, there are some confusing things happening in the company’s headquarters and we hope they can solve the matter soon so the best results can come forward.

Read next: Twitter Gives Users More Third Party Content Control Options With Upcoming Update
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