Instagram Adds Amber Alerts To Users’ Feeds To Help Locate Missing Children

In recent times, we bet you’ve come across a popular tool that’s being used extensively in the US to help locate any missing kids.

For those who may not be aware, these alerts are fully authorized by the authorities and related law enforcement bodies. And in the end, they’ve been proven to help ease the pain of loved ones by reuniting them with missing children by issuing alerts via media platforms like the TV or even as text messages.

Now, it appears like Instagram really wants to do something in this regard and that’s why it’s featuring the alert as a part of its users’ feeds in America.

The feature has been rolled out today and the company announced the breakthrough launch via a statement to the press. They claim that the new launch is an absolutely great fit for this program as you can’t underestimate the power of images in today’s digital era.

They not only serve as great identification tools but can also aid in the search of young citizens that are in search of help but don’t know where or how to get it.

With an expanded reach through Instagram, we can soon expect to see more and more audiences understanding how it works and hence spreading shares until desirable results in the search are obtained.

Instagram is definitely not the first social media app that’s raising the bar in this regard of helping locate missing kids. We’ve seen Facebook launch the Amber Alert on its interface in 2015.

With that being said, we must note how rarely we’ve seen it appear on the app because of the stringent requirements that are needed to be fulfilled before they’re released to those at a nearby distance.

As recently mentioned in a report by The Verge, these Amber Alerts are not going to be using any form of major notifications as we’ll only be seeing them across the feed of Instagram users.

Thankfully, you won't be required to click on the link to see more about the alert on Instagram, as is the case elsewhere. This is because all of the information will already be displayed on the app.

As you can probably guess by now, the new method is much more receptive and sure to serve a more useful purpose of passing on the Amber Alert as seeing them suddenly pop up on tv screens can be a little overwhelming to some.

Instagram mentioned how one alert means there is currently one active search being conducted for a missing youngster that’s located near you. And if you’re wondering how the app knows who it is that needs to be aware of the alerts, well, they’re making use of different signals such as the city listed across your profile as well as your IP Address and location, in case it’s on.

For now, we know the feature will only be applied to 25 nations, with a launch expected in the next few weeks.

Read next: Instagram is releasing a new feature that will allow users to make Bitmoji style avatars
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