Elon Musk Calls Out YouTube For Producing Huge Amounts Of Scam Ads On A Regular Basis

Billionaire Elon Musk may not be willing to pull forward with his 44 billion dollar Twitter acquisition deal but there’s little change being made in the way he behaves in the world of social media.

The bold, blunt, and witty Tesla CEO has recently taken a jab at leading social media giant YouTube, referring to them as a platform that’s producing scam ads on a usual basis.

Interestingly, the news comes as the billionaire threatened to move away from his Twitter deal, after calling out Twitter for lying about their spam and fake profile accounts.

The world’s richest person was seen calling the video-based platform a scam ad-producing machine through a series of Tweets released through his official account on Twitter. And this was accompanied by a meme that mocked the app for going to extremes of censoring foul language but failing to do anything about leading issues like scam ads.

But that’s a rather interesting point to take a dig at because as far as YouTube’s policy is concerned, nowhere have they ever mentioned the barring of swearing across their platform. However, it does promote creators to refrain from using abusive language, especially when it comes down to purposes relating to the world of advertising.

To be more specific, YouTube has mentioned time and time again how they’re very keen to cut back on monetizing those content that continues to make use of profanity. However, these rules aren’t applicable to music videos.

While there was no comment provided by the company in regards to Elon Musk’s comments, what we do know is that in the recent past, we’ve seen the popular app being struck with accusations relating to cryptocurrency scams.

On average, there were 18 lawsuits filed against the firm in this regard. And one of them was by Apple’s co-founder himself who stated the organization failed miserably at handling the issues of scam ads.

But the co-founder of Apple lost that certain lawsuit just one year later as the judge declared that both Google and YouTube couldn’t be held responsible for the posts published by different users.

There are a number of scams that have also come about in the public eye that have gone about targeting Elon Musk’s fans in a direct manner.

For instance, just last year, we saw so many ads running on the platform that promoted a fake coin that seemed to belong to SpaceX. It stated that it was founded by Musk himself and the ads went on air, moments before the billionaire made his way to a show on Saturday Night Live.

When the investigation into the matter dug deeper, it was revealed to be a scam worth nearly nine million dollars for fake ads that promoted that fake digital SpaceX coin.

YouTube says it has tried its best to combat misinformation in the recent past and is continuing to do the same today as well. And in case you’ve forgotten, it was also one of the first to ban former US President Donald Trump after the January 9 Capital Riot attack in Washington.

But that appears not to be enough as fact-checkers feel there is plenty of room for improvement and it needs to come from the app soon.

In January, we saw more than 80 different groups of fact-checkers calling on the platform to put an end to the growing crisis of misinformation because they strongly felt the firm was allowing for this weaponization themselves but not being stringent enough with its policies.

This is the second time that Musk has pointed out a leading social media network, the first being Twitter of course, for failing to combat some major misinformation matters. Hence, we’re curious to see what YouTube has to say on the matter.

Read next: YouTube Could Land Itself In Hot Water For Unauthorized Uploads As Copyright Damages Strike
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