90% of Brits Unaware of Common Causes of Slow Internet

Slow internet speeds can be frustrating because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making it difficult to get work done or conduct research. Many adults switch over to mobile internet networks when their WiFi is slowing down, and the majority of Brits who are over the age of 18 don’t know what some of the most common causes of slow internet tend to be.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that things like positioning your WiFi router too close to a smart refrigerator can greatly reduce maximum internet speeds. In spite of the fact that this is the case, around 90% of Brits don’t know that this could be factor. 76% of Brits also lacked awareness that interference from WiFi routers used by their neighbors could be slowing their internet connection down somewhat.

A survey conducted by Zen Internet revealed the lack of awareness among British adults lack awareness about what might interfere with their WiFi signals which can lead to massive decreases in productivity with all things having been considered and taken into account. Some attempt to fix their internet by switching their router off at night, but this only serves to further disrupt the signal which can make their WiFi even less effective.

It is important for consumers to position their routers away from any sources of electrical interference. Any common household appliance that uses electricity can be a drag on WiFi speeds, so it helps to find an area where there are few such signals that can cross paths with your wireless internet.

According to the folks at Zen Internet, it’s best to keep the router at waist level on a flat surface. This allows the signal to be transmitted smoothly, and giving the network plenty of walls to bounce off of can also help to propagate it further. If all else fails, consumers can also try to get closer to their devices to increase their speeds during times when maximizing them is necessary.

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