TikTok’s Main Audience is Young Users, Here’s Why That Might Not Be Sustainable

The rise of TikTok is a testament to how unpredictable the tech industry can be. Stalwarts of the social media landscape have found themselves scrambling to keep up with this new competitor, but they have mostly failed to provide an alternative that can stop the rapid growth that this platform has seen so far. Much of this growth has come from younger users who are between the ages of eighteen and thirty four.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that TikTok might not be able to rely on younger users to fuel future growth. Its biggest segment of users are individuals between 25 and 34 years of age, who represent 25.2% of the platform’s user base. The second biggest group comprises users between 18 and 24 years of age, who make up 23.9% of the total. This is followed by underage users between 12 and 17 years of age who comprise 17.7%, closely followed by 35 to 44 who make up 17.1%

TikTok has manage to do just fine by targeting users in these age ranges, but in spite of the fact that this is the case it might not have more room to grow. The platform has managed to capture these demographics quite completely, which means that it will need to start attracting older users with all things having been considered and taken into account. Users 45 and older are less likely to use the platform, with just 14.9% of TikTok users being older than 45 and since this includes two separate demographics, namely 45-54 and 55-64, it suggests that TikTok is failing to cater to them.

If TikTok stops growing, it might see a decline in its business. Hence, the platform will need to start getting users that are a bit older, otherwise its growth in the US will come to a grinding halt. Only 1.8% of TikTok users are older than 65, so they might be a big focus for the platform moving forward because they are a largely untapped market.

H/T: II.
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