New Data Says Google’s Search Results Are Being Flooded With FAQs And They’re Up By Five Percentage Points

A new report by RankRanger has entered the spotlight and it’s now talking about how Google is being flooded with FAQs in the search results division. To be more specific, they’re up by more than five percentage points.

Moreover, the data revealed how the tech giant is now displaying these popular FAQs for more than 27% of the questions asked. This is up by nearly 22% just a few days back.

If you ask us, we’re seeing a major jump up but you’ve got to keep in consideration how RankRanger joins together different FAQs and links it with results pertaining to How to Rich for whatever reason.

While Mozcast might be reluctant to pick up this point, there’s plenty of evidence that does suggest a major increase in how frequently FAQs are generated in the results.

RankRanger did confirm the news today how they’re looking into the matter more closely. See, the data is not only correct but it’s coming from the both desktop as well as mobile sources.

The best or shall we say the most effective way through which you can overview the new change is through Semrush. Here, you’ll see how filtering options work their magic and generate FAQ results more often than other categories. And when correlated with other tools, the data can be confirmed.

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