UN Agrees to Start Drafting International Treaty on Plastic Use

There are numerous kinds of environmental catastrophes that humanity is on course for until and unless we change how we do things sooner rather than later. Plastic is often touted as a big contributor to climate and environmental crises because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up clogging up the oceans and much of it has also ended up in our own systems in the form of microplastics whether we realize it or not.

The amount of plastic pollution that we create has increased by 1,000% since the 1980s. This has made it so that even extremely far flung regions of the world like the Arctic Circle have microplastics in them. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the United Nations has just finished up talks in Nairobi that centered around a potential international treaty for plastic usage, and it turns out that they have finally come to a consensus.

This consensus is that an international treaty surrounding the use of plastics definitely needs to start being adopted as soon as possible. While the plan has not been finalized yet, the various member states of the UN have begun discussing what it could include. Developed nations are, of course, against much of the restrictions that are being put in place because their unsustainable capitalist economies would not be able to continue unless rampant consumption and a general lack of concern for the environment is upheld.

Naturally, developing countries are more concerned about this because they stand to suffer a lot more damage and they would not be able to deal with climate disasters as well as developed ones at least right now. It might be a long time before a final resolution is passed, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. When the treaty finally gets signed, it might be just as or perhaps even more influential than the Paris Climate Agreement so it will be exciting to see where things end up going from here.

H/T: Reuters

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