The TeaBot Banking Trojan Makes Google Play Store Comeback, Infects 10,000 Devices

Banking Trojans are among the most notorious kinds of malware because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up compromising your overall ability to keep your financial information as secure as you would need it to be. When you look at the various Trojans of this type that have managed to do a fair bit of damage so far, none will stand out more than TeaBot since it keeps coming back time and time again.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that after Google more or less eliminated apps that had the TeaBot Trojan in them, the malware has managed to make a comeback, as reported by Cleafy. It turns out that a few QR code readers that you might want to download from the Google PlayStore have this malware contained within them, and over ten thousand devices have already been infected by it which puts them at risk of losing pretty serious sums of money in due course.

The truly unique thing to take note of here is that this is the exact same technique that malicious actors using TeaBot implemented back in January which required Google to do a bit of a cleanup. The fact that they are using the same technique is concerning to say the least with all things having been considered and taken into account. It indicates that these malicious actors are still finding ways to circumvent Google in whatever way they see fit so that they can obtain access to vulnerable victims.

Another thing that people should take account of is that these apps usually perform the function that they are meant for, and they often do so quite well. This means that these apps manage to get some pretty great ratings on the Play Store which subsequently results in them becoming a lot more widespread than might have otherwise been possible. This is an aspect of this Trojan that Google needs to start focusing on sooner rather than later lest more devices get infected as time goes by.

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