This Survey Shows Shifting Consumer Perspectives Around Personal Data Sharing

Data protection is one of the most essential things that people in the world of tech are thinking of focusing on because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up ensuring that consumers can stay safe online. This has resulted in a lot of legislation being put into place that is meant to regulate and control the use of consumer data, but it is also essential to factor in what consumers actually think.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the GDMA recently conducted a study across ten different countries that tried to determine consumer opinions about sharing personal data with companies. One thing that this study revealed is that consumer sentiment is shifting in a certain direction, with fewer people being comfortable sharing personal data than was the case a few years ago.

Data pragmatists are people that don’t mind sharing their data as long as it results in some kind of benefit for them, and 51% of respondents conformed to this sentiment when the study was previously conducted in 2018. With the new 2022 study, this percentage has decreased to 47%, indicating that consumers are becoming less comfortable with the idea of their private information being used by various corporations and the like.

However, it is also essential to bear in mind that the percentage of people who are unconcerned has gone up as well. It has increased from 26% in 2018 to 31% in 2022, which suggests that consumers might not care as much as they used to be about how their data is used and who is able to obtain access to it. Data fundamentalists, individuals who would never share data under any circumstances at all, are also less prevalent, going from 23% to 21% over the past four years.

This shows that personal data usage is something that companies might be able to do more easily in the coming years, although they would have to ensure that this data is used as ethically as possible.

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