Malware and Phishing Attacks for Smartphones See Massive Year on Year Increase

The number of people that use their smartphones for things like conducting business and the like has increase dramatically over the past two years because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing them to continue to work despite widespread lockdowns caused by the unforeseen pandemic. That has naturally resulted in an increase in hacking attacks against these smartphone users as well, but the increase in this statistic is high enough to be a bit of a cause for alarm.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Zimperium just released a new report that reveals how concerning this trend truly is. According to this report, over ten million different smartphones and other kinds of devices suffered from malware attacks in 2021 alone, with around 25% of this company’s customers suffering from malware.

There have also been two million new malware variants that have been going around, and that seems to suggest that malicious actors are trying to find new and better ways to hack into people’s personal devices. That comes up to thousands of new strains each day, and that level of growth might not be contained if major steps aren’t taken sooner rather than later.

This report also showed a 50% increase in phishing sites which try to trick users into giving up their contact details by filling out a form that seems rather legitimate at first glance. 75% of these sites are meant to target smartphone users alone, and that indicates that smartphone users might be the hottest target for various malicious actors that are currently out there.

The state of internet security and tech security is starting to seem rather dire, and it will be difficult to make it so that people can feel safe if the problem isn’t tackled as soon as possible. Consumers need to be given a bit of education with respect to how they can protect themselves by using stronger privacy protocols as well as a common sense approach to online activities.
Read next: Cybercriminals hiding malware in places you can’t imagine and this time it was in the YouTube descriptions
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