Google adds a feature that allows the Search app to automatically delete your browsing data every 15 minutes

Google this week rolled out 15 minutes search history delete feature on Android after a long wait ever since it was launched on iOS last year.

This feature facilitates users by making it easier for them to instantly erase their web activity. It's a great feature if you want to clean up a bit of space and history on your device.

Well, to me it's a useful feature that Google has added to the Android OS because if you use a device that is accessible by multiple people, then you stop them from accessing your search history. Google will automatically delete your search history after 15 minutes of use when you enable this feature.

What happens is that, when you log in to a website and then instantly click on the other tab, your account information gets saved on the web browser which can cause a serious threat to one's privacy if another person sees it. But how? Let's drill down to the facts. Probably, you might be familiar with cookies. Actually, cookies allow websites to quickly load on the mobile that is habitually open by the user. All kinds of individuals and organizations with bad intentions can steal your data from the websites and your search history if your cache isn't removed from time to time.

In recent times, Yahoo reported that hackers gained access to 32 million user accounts without passwords just by having access to users' web browser cache. Also, erasing your search history prevents websites from tracking you. In this way, you'll no longer be vulnerable to threats and bad actors out there to steal your data.

To use this feature, simply tap on your profile pic, and then you'll see a search history delete option. By clicking on it, all of your browsing activity will be removed. You can enable this feature to automatically remove it after every 15 minutes. This update will be released in a few weeks as announced by Google.

H/T: Mishaal Rahman / TV.

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