Amid Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Meta's Instagram enforces transparency and safety measure to help its community access crucial resources

As part of its efforts to combat Russian government publicity and secure the privacy of its users in both countries Ukraine and Russia, Instagram stated that it will overcome this problem, by rolling out new features.

Before reposting or clicking on these links, users should be warned that they will take them to Russian broadcasting websites under the authority of the Russian government, as stated on the Meta newsroom post. All of the same rules will apply to Instagram.

Meta said earlier this week that it will be banning the circulation of information developed by the Russian government on its platform. Facebook and Instagram accounts related to the Russian government will have their content material removed, and posts with links to these merchants will be deranked by the firm, according to the company.

When users try to share anything from any of these accounts, they are given a warning message informing them that they are sharing a post from "state-controlled media."

When using a private account in Russia and Ukraine, Instagram has started censoring information regarding a user's follower count and who they're following. In other words, those who follow Ukrainian or Russian-based private accounts won't be able to know who else is following them or whom these accounts are following.

Additionally, Instagram is alerting users in the area when they attempt to post war-related photographs that their algorithms determine are more than a year old, so that users have more awareness about inaccurate or incorrect images that might be misinterpreted.

Third-party fact-checkers and state-controlled media publications are also being labeled, so individuals can make better informed decisions about what they read, trust, or share based on the information provided.

Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, recently said that it will make encrypted direct messages accessible to all adults in Ukraine and Russia and enable mass material and activity deletion easier for users in those countries.

Facebook and a number of other Western media sources have already been banned by the Russian government in an attempt to restrict the information Russian people receive about the brutal invasion of Ukraine that has taken place in their neighborhood. Instagram may follow Facebook's approach after it was recently banned from doing the same for Russian state-owned media sources. In Russia, Instagram has more users than Facebook, but WhatsApp, which Meta also owns, has a larger user base.

Read next: Instagram sunsets its separate apps including Boomerang and Hyperlapse
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