Google Upgrades the Picture in Picture Feature on Chrome

Multitasking is the sort of thing that most people feel like they need to do in the busy work culture of this modern day and age. Tech companies have been striving to incorporate features into their various products and services that can serve to improve multitasking capabilities to one extent or another, and perhaps the most useful feature for this type of purpose is picture and picture mode which apps like WhatsApp and browsers like Chrome have already been offering for quite some time now.

Chrome’s picture in picture mode was mostly offered to users that wanted to keep watching a video while they opened other tabs. However, Google is now preparing an upgrade for this feature which would make it so that a wide range of non video related can also now be used in picture and picture mode. This is a pretty stellar upgrade since most users want to be able to stream content in picture in picture mode and not all of that content is going to be video based in nature.

This upgrade that Google is working on has a working title called PIP 2.0, and it is meant to allow users to stream audio feeds as well as photo galleries in picture and picture mode along with everything else. Another important aspect of this upgrade is that it will facilitate the window frame and location bar being hidden during picture and picture mode if that is what you prefer, and you can reveal them again when you move your cursor or indicate your attention through some other method.

There have been some concerns among experts that this update could create a few security risks. Malicious actors could hack into this feature to impersonate a user interface and make it seem legitimate or genuine, but Google is trying to tackle that by making the UX as unique and distinctive it can be. According to the Chromium blog post that announced this feature, this is just the first in a long line of upgrades and chances are that Google will be beefing up security for all of them since that tends to be an issue for most of the new products they roll out.

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