Clubhouse is improving its web version with a new feature which hasn’t been introduced on any other platform yet

Clubhouse is a US-based social networking app that allows the user to have an audio conversation on specific topics with their friends and other like-minded people around the globe. The social media app was founded by Paul Davison and Rohan Seth in March of 2020.

It has more than 34 million downloads now. Clubhouse got its hype when Elon Musk (an entrepreneur and founder of Tesla Motors) tweeted about it and after the tweet from him, Clubhouse got millions of downloads overnight.

If we talk about outside of the United States, Germany is in the first position to have more downloads of the clubhouse and the second position has been taken by Japan, and third place for most downloads of the clubhouse is for the United kingdom.

Firstly clubhouse was launched only for iOS users and after some time it became available for Androids users too and now they have stepped broader from the app version and introduced the web version of Clubhouse.

Although Clubhouse got late in doing so because Clubhouse competitor Twitter Space has already been inaugurated their web version and it's getting its hype. However, though Twitter may have reached its deserved hype there is something about Clubhouse web which makes them unique from all other competitors.

According to the announcement published on ClubHouse Blog, Clubhouse web's version does not require any ID/registration and anyone can listen to the conversation without having to login, as an example you can listen to this conversation Diversity in Storytelling from web. The platform is also rolling out a  new sharing option in which users can share a Chat Room on other social media platforms with other users. However, this feature update is only for listening, which means if you don’t have a clubhouse account you can’t take part in any discussion; you can only listen to it.

You have to download the latest update of the app if you want to share the chat room on other social media networks. This feature is currently available for United States users and when will it make its way globally has not been announced.

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