Twitter provides an Aliases for Birdwatchers to comment or make notes under anonymity in order to avoid online hate or backlash

Twitter realized the importance of providing the correct information and stopping the spread of misinformation on social media pretty early. Hence the social network last year introduced a Birdwatch program.

The Birdwatch program basically includes a group of Twitter users which fact check tweets and comment the correct information under those tweets which they believe contains slight misleading information.

However, such users can sometimes become a target of harassment and online hate, considering sometimes they will have to speak for topics or situations that may be offending to some.

In order to help the Birdwatch participants of Twitter, the company has launched a new feature which helps these Birdwatchers hide their identity while writing fact checking notes rather than using their normal/public profiles.

The feature is called 'Aliases for Birdwatch', which in short will let Twitter users who are a part of the Birdwatch program hide their identity while they make a note or comment something under a post to give out correct information about the certain topic.

While Birdwatch is a great initiative and definitely is a way to stop misinformation from spreading on the platform because who else knows the dynamics and what is trending on Twitter than its own active users right?

However, some users can face a lot of threats and backlash on the fact that they may speak something against the opposing party and it may not sit well with them or if someone speaks something against the wrong doing if their own people, that particular person isn't disowned or doesn't fall into peer pressures.

Twitter will soon be rolling out this feature and then all those in the birdwatch community will be able to post anonymously. However, if some birdwatchers are worried about their previous birdwatch comments or notes which currently are public under their profile names, Twitter assures that after the release of this feature, the old posts will go anonymous as well.

In case, you believe that some people might link your old notes or comments to your Twitter profile, you can always hit up Twitter to delete it and they will be happy to comply.

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