Facebook and its investors seem rather unfazed by the allegations imposed, state a new report

Facebook has been having a tough time with the company facing backlash after backlash and severe accusations from none other than its own former employees. Two of Facebook’s ex-employees came forward with proofs of how the tech firm which has been hosting billions for so long in the social media world happens to be one of the most dangerous platforms when it comes to security.

The claim of the whistleblowers being that Facebook looks its own benefits over the security of the users. However, while most believed that such strong backlashes will bring Facebook more drama from the investors and shareholders, things seem pretty light on that par.

No shareholders or investors of the company has asked the tech giant to review and come forward in response to such accusations and none of them has backed out of the company too. In short, this whistleblower drama is still only within the media and lawmaker circle.

Apart from this, the engagement online related to Facebook related post and articles on information about its accusations has also seen a decline in the past twelve months. This information comes from News Whip which stated that the current allegations against the tech giant haven’t spiked much of the public interest nor the investors have felt threatened. According to them, the researches show that the chart of interest heightened massively when Trump and the attack at the Capitol happened and after that things pretty much have been stable.

Google search data also shows the same that the searches on Google about Facebook news have relatively been low and even have declined. According to them, the biggest outage was last month and that was the only big thing happened in over a years’ time.

However, what users may notice is that the Facebook stocks have gone down. While it is true that there has been a relative decrease in stocks, it is not because of the allegations that have been imposed, well at least not majorly. The reason for the decline in stocks is because of the fact that Apple has come up with their Transparency feature which has enabled a lot of small businesses loose access to their targeted users because Facebook cannot collect user’s data now without consent.

In short, up until now much loss has been faced by Facebook because of the allegations imposed.

H/T: Axio

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