Consumers Remain Loyal to Facebook but Have Mixed Feelings About Meta and Zuckerverse

Facebook has over two billion users, and most of them are still maintaining an account on the platform despite the recent revelations that the company uses its algorithm to try and stoke sentiments because anger tends to be a better driver for engagement than other emotions. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Facebook’s popularity is still pretty high, at least according to a poll that was conducted by the Morning Consult.

While its popularity is only 55% among American adults, that’s still a simple majority which is surprising considering the endless controversies that the platform has ended up seeing itself surrounded by. 39% view it unfavorably, though, which is a much higher percentage than Facebook would be comfortable with.

Another thing to note is that while Facebook still has a net positive popularity among average Americans, the company’s CEO is almost universally disliked. Mark Zuckerberg is seen positively by only 22% of respondents to this survey, and this distaste seems to extend to the new Meta rebrand as well.

While Facebook is definitely hoping that rebranding as Meta would help the company to rebuild public opinion in their favor, right now only 25% of people seem to like the new name as well as the new metaverse focused direction that the company is taking.

Meta seems to be struggling to find an interested audience, with only 68% of respondents saying that they were interested in the new products that the company was trying to offer. Virtually no demographic had a majority that supported the new services that Meta will be providing, including both Millennials as well as Gen Z both of whom had less than 50% saying positive things about the new brand. This might spell trouble for Meta in the future.

Read next: Facebook’s Meta Rebrand Has Nothing to Do With Controversy, Says Facebook Marketing Chief
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