Lack of Response From App Developers Negatively Impacts App Retention, Research Shows

The massive success of gaming apps has meant that a lot of people are starting to enter this space in an attempt to earn massive amounts of money. A majority of the money that consumers end up spending on apps are for gaming apps, with the number being 65% for Apple and a massive 80% for Android which really is something. People are just more likely to spend money on games rather than any other apps, and this is something that most app developers are going to want to cash in on with all things having been considered and taken into account.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there is a problem that is negatively impacting app retention, and that is the fact that developers are not answering queries and problems as quickly as they should. Response times are one of the most essential metrics in any area of tech, and this is the sort of thing that a lot of developers don’t seem to understand at present.

This information comes from research conducted by AppFollow, and it has shown that the response rates from developers on reviews is abysmal to say the least. Only 20% of reviews received a response from on the App Store and barely 10% on the Play Store. This is highly harmful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making users delete the app even if their problem was something that could have easily been resolved.

Gaming app developers need to put a lot more effort into finding a way to maximize their response times, and since many of these developers own big companies and get lots of revenue they can quite easily hire people to respond to reviews quickly.

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