The EU Is Proposing That All Electronic Devices Be Built To Rely Universally On Type-C USB Chargers

The EU is considering plans to force electronics manufacturers into building their devices to fit a common USB-C type charger, with the intention of reducing waste.

Climate change is a burden that hangs heavily around our necks. With a number of recent reports, accompanied by statements from officials at the UN, the message is clear: we are already in an irreversible position, and must pool our efforts to not make things worse. Different governments have had different reactions to climate change over the past decade. The USA decided to pull out of the Paris Agreement, which doesn't necessarily spell out the best of intentions. The European Union's stance, while not uniform across all countries, is a bit more positive.

The different varieties of charger ports, with a spectrum of shapes and sizes, was always going to spell some form of pollution. Think of all the plastic that's being used up in the process of making millions of a USB cable that ultimately only a specific type of phone can use. While many Android devices share the usage of C type cables, this isn't always the case. More importantly, Apple's Lightning cable chargers will always be a different variety, since the company would obviously prefer that their own products be bought more. By not having a single charger type adhere to all phones, every electronics manufacturer develops an exclusive niche for their own product.

However, such behavior may be coming to an end. The European Commission, also known as a major EU legal body, has drafted up a plan of action to force all electronics producers to make their phones such that all can be charged by USB Type C chargers. Apple itself may be subjected to such demands as will, if it wishes to maintain business within the EU. While companies haven't spoken up on the matter, what with this being a very recent development and not even implemented, this author's sure that the tech world's business will be affected a lot. However, how much will such attempts really help out in the fight against global warning. The true culprit is definitely Big Oil and other large fossil fuel companies that have cheated, swindled, and lobbied their way into gaining power and keeping a tight grip on it, no matter how much the surrounding world is affected. Perhaps cracking down on such organizations would be a bolder, and better, move?
At any rate, the proposal doesn't concern itself with wireless chargers. Therefore, the development of wireless chargers, a venue that companies such as Apple have been rumored to be looking into, is still fair game. Under this EU act, phones can now be purchased without a charger, circumventing a lot of plastic nonsense. Now all that's left is for the rule to be implemented, and its effectiveness to be gauged.
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