Stackla surveys on what people expect from brands when it comes to online shopping and will they continue shopping online in the future

The pandemic while has shifted the way we live greatly; one major change has been brought about in the ways we shop as well. While previously pre pandemic people used for shop at the malls and stores physically more often, implementations of the lockdown and everything closing down around the world switched them to pursue shopping online. While online shopping was present from quite some time but it wasn't all that common as it is now.

So the question arises that with the vaccine rolling out and all of us switching back to the ways we were used, will the online shopping hype subside or is it here to stay?

Well, a data report from Stackla just answered all your questions.

Stackla took a survey of around 2000 consumers and collected data on a series of questions related to the online shopping and their experiences related to it.

83 percent of the consumers in the survey wanted the brands to give them a more authentic experience while shopping and 70 percent wanted personalized experiences because it was difficult to imagine a way things will look once put on or set just by looking at them through the screen.

Consumers also stated that while brands have put in a lot of hard work and money to take the best and original looking photographs to put on their website and has also sent many PRs to influencers for them to review and guide the consumers only 10 percent resonated with the influencers opinions and only 19 percent trusted their guys with online branding. So what factors led people to buy more often online?

Well, it was user generated content which showed an 80 percent impact in increasing the sales. People trusted other consumers’ experiences and buys more than they did from any influencers or the brand itself.

Apart from this, users wanted a more real life experience. Hence consumers want brand to showcase items with real life images, so that they can see how a jacket looks on their body shape based on the image of the model that has worn it in the picture or how a sofa will look in a dimension of a room of their home.

72 percent consumers stated that real consumers’ photos, videos and opinions are what they want to see on websites and 80 percent said that they will more likely buy a product off a website that has real life images.

Users have also stated in the survey that they left e-commerce sites without buying anything because it did not show any customer photos and experiences.

Sometimes though people believe some brands may have fake reviews on it many people do leave authentic reviews and also allows their favorite brands to use their pictures for their growth. Online shopping is here to stay and brands that will work on their marketing based on consumer survey, will flourish the most.

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