3 Reasons Why You Should Be Concentrating on SEO in 2021 and Beyond

If you don't have an SEO strategy in 2021 or have only dabbled in it, then you can't afford to neglect it anymore. SEO should be a cornerstone of any online marketing strategy. It is one of the most reliable strategies that you could use to boost organic traffic to your website. It shouldn't even be seen as a marketing strategy, but a prerequisite for having a website. Let's take a look at a few reasons why you should be concentrating more of your efforts on SEO in 2021 and beyond.

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Organic Search Traffic is the Best Traffic

Organic search traffic is one of the biggest and best sources of traffic that you can find. A large portion of the population will first get introduced to sites through search engines, and if you don't have a strong presence there, you will be invisible to them. Not only that, but people who find sites through searches tend to be highly motivated.

If you manage to get people to your site through search and get them to stay, you'll be much more likely to convert them as it takes more of a personal investment than following a link after accidentally stumbling on one of your content pieces.

It’s the Gift that Keeps on Giving

If you’re strapped for cash at the moment and are looking for an affordable marketing method that will allow you to get consistent results without having to constantly add money to the pot, SEO is the only way to go.

Content is the most important aspect of SEO, and all it can take is for one piece of content to open the floodgates for your site. From then on, you will create social activity and people might start discovering other pieces of content you may have. People will then be naturally inclined to share that content. All of this will contribute to your site’s SEO and can help it shoot up the rankings which will result in even more traffic.

One thing you should be careful with, however, is trying to cut costs by doing everything yourself. Anyone can create content, but only experts will know what is likely to work. This is why we would suggest that you stick with professionals, at least at the beginning when you’re getting your content marketing strategy off the ground. Teams like The Guerrilla, a top SEO company based in Minneapolis, will be able to not only craft a strategy for you but measure results and make sure that they stay consistent.

If you decide to do everything on your own, you might get a winning piece once, but you won’t know why it worked and you won’t be able to replicate results. Or worse, you might never know what piece resulted in a traffic surge and instead you’ll keep releasing content that is falling flat. Working with a skilled agency will ensure that you get a return on your time and money investment.

It is the Perfect Way to Build Brand Awareness and Authority

One of the best ways to start building brand awareness in your niche is to have your website near the top of the list for most search terms related to it. Once people start seeing your name pop out everywhere, they will automatically assume that you’re a major brand in this business even if you are just getting started.

Having some informational pieces in there will also allow them to gauge your expertise and start trusting you. This is very precious when it comes to marketing and this is something you could achieve with a sound SEO strategy.

These are just some of the reasons why SEO should be playing a central role in your online marketing strategy. We suggest that you speak with a qualified team right away so they can look at what you’re doing right now and how you can improve.
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