WhatsApp over the years has become the most engaging and widely used messaging platform. Despite stringent competitions from the likes of Telegram and Signal that provide much better privacy settings and do not track the user’s browsing for advertisement campaigns, WhatsApp is still being used by around two billion users across the world. Nonetheless, WhatsApp stands unmoved in the face of all this and even legal heat and has been introducing updates over the year since its parent company, Facebook, was under the scrutiny of the several governments around the world.
WhatsApp recently updated the web version with several changes to not only improve the appearance but also the technical aspects. This update is also in action on the desktop version of WhatsApp. The picture sharing graphic on the WhatsApp Web and Desktop version previously only allowed for a preview of the picture and the ability to write something along with it. Unlike its counterpart on the mobile application, there were no features to edit, crop, or restructure the image. However, in a recent update, WhatsApp is rolling out a similar setting as of the Android to the web version of its product. With the new feature just rolling out with the update, it is likely to take some time before it reaches everyone.
Not only has WhatsApp updated the tabs and photo editor on its desktop counterparts, the messaging giants also rolled out major bug fixes to the mobile application as well. The fixes are part of WhatsApp’s update, as per WABI. This update came to the light as the previous beta version of was not allowing several users to scroll back to old chats. For some users it was clearly frustrating and annoying as a bug so small should not have existed in the first place.
However, WhatsApp quickly recognized its folly and sprinted right on in to correct the bug with the updated version being mass released and available to everyone across the globe.
Even though, WhatsApp is facing a lot of challenges in terms of its revenue specifically in light of the recent update of transparency from Apple and the increased demand of users for encryption. WhatsApp has only looked for a solution that assists both. One of these solutions is homomorphic encryption that seems to be under the works at Facebook and might be implemented on WhatsApp as well if the situation seems feasible.
Read next: WhatsApp is working towards end-to-end encryption on its local backup
WhatsApp recently updated the web version with several changes to not only improve the appearance but also the technical aspects. This update is also in action on the desktop version of WhatsApp. The picture sharing graphic on the WhatsApp Web and Desktop version previously only allowed for a preview of the picture and the ability to write something along with it. Unlike its counterpart on the mobile application, there were no features to edit, crop, or restructure the image. However, in a recent update, WhatsApp is rolling out a similar setting as of the Android to the web version of its product. With the new feature just rolling out with the update, it is likely to take some time before it reaches everyone.
Not only has WhatsApp updated the tabs and photo editor on its desktop counterparts, the messaging giants also rolled out major bug fixes to the mobile application as well. The fixes are part of WhatsApp’s update, as per WABI. This update came to the light as the previous beta version of was not allowing several users to scroll back to old chats. For some users it was clearly frustrating and annoying as a bug so small should not have existed in the first place.
However, WhatsApp quickly recognized its folly and sprinted right on in to correct the bug with the updated version being mass released and available to everyone across the globe.
Even though, WhatsApp is facing a lot of challenges in terms of its revenue specifically in light of the recent update of transparency from Apple and the increased demand of users for encryption. WhatsApp has only looked for a solution that assists both. One of these solutions is homomorphic encryption that seems to be under the works at Facebook and might be implemented on WhatsApp as well if the situation seems feasible.
Read next: WhatsApp is working towards end-to-end encryption on its local backup